From Audience To Income, Castos Makes It Possible
Castos is the podcast platform trusted by the top creators in the industry.
Enjoy unlimited podcasts, episodes, and downloads, on all plans.
Publish as much content as you want for a fixed monthly price. Record longer episodes, test new styles or launch a second show without ever hitting a storage cap.
Castos also doesn’t limit how many downloads you can have on any plan. Why penalize you for having a successful show?!
Automatic distribution everywhere your audience listens.
Castos sends your podcast episodes to all of the major listening directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and even YouTube automatically.
Castos offers more ways to monetize your content than any other podcasting platform.
You choose the monetization method that best fits your brand:
- Dynamic Ad Insertion
- One time or recurring donations
- Paid Private Podcasts
- Integrations with dozens of tools you already use.
Control your brand with Customizable Podcast Websites.
With Castos, every podcast you publish gets its own responsive website, making it easy for your audience to subscribe, search episodes, and connect with you on social media.
Use these built-in podcast websites as a home base for your show. Even connect your own domain to these built-in websites. All completely done-for-you.
Sign up today to start your free 14 day trial